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I'm just a slave of Allah that still seeking forgiveness from Him...

Saturday, April 2, 2011

all thanx is to Allah

assalamualaikum warahmatullah..

actually i dont know what to wrote..but Allah made me to do this posting at my room..alhamdulillah..

i feel like this week is a stressfull week..why not??monday..must stayback for PERPIS n practice my tarannum..tuesday must stayback for volleyball n take attendance..wednesday must stayback for PPIM...thursday must participate in Qura'an recitation competition n must compete with other school in daerah Klang level..alhamdulillah at least got 4th place..eventhough i didn't get the top three, but i'm so thankfull to Allah for giving me the chance to participate in it n make me as participant of my school..alhamdulillah..not anybody can get this..only the xcellent will get this..ahmdulillah..all thanx is to Allah..=)

then on favourite day..recite Yassin at Serambi Shahbandaraya..n get some surmon from my beloved ustaz which inspire me..alhamdulillah..then go back class..n study as least Allah still make me alive to study at SMK Shahbandaraya n inshaAllah be a best candidate of SPM this year ..inshaAllah...Amiin..!!!then after school..straightaway go to tuiton which placed at, must took bus n go..alhamdulillah..eventhough must facing the sun's heat on so thankfull to Allah becoz Allah still make me alive to study in this country..alhamdulillah..=)

then after tuition..straight forward go to masjid n perform my asar n maghrib also my isya' prayer..n wait for my beloved family to come pick that time i was having a very painfull headache..alhamdulillah at least Allah makes me in a good condition of  manner..alhamdulillah..i'm still in Islam..alhamdulillah..all thanx is to Allah...=)

come back home at 10.35 pm...which makes me feel so tired..after take my dinner..straightaway change my cloth..take my absolution..n go to bed..good night..assalamualaikum..

at the morning i woke-up..its already 6.20am which frightened me because it the time for subuh..!!ya Allah...i'm so sorry for not do my Qiamullail as sorry ya Allah..then..perform my prayer...recite Yassin n preparing for my tuition class which starts at 10 o'clock at Klang..for waiting it..i get a short nap which makes my mind calmer..actually i know its wrong to have a nap at that time...ya Allah once more please forgive me..i do a lot of mistakes..but You still showering your Rahmah to me..i love You Ya Allah..!!!!!love You lot..!!!!

that's all for the one day more..which is it tomorrow..inshaAllah i wil upgrade my Imaan for tomorrow n the following day InshaAllah..=))

i know that everything happens got the reason...but, i cannot accept if one day i'm not in Islam anymore..ya Allah...!!please make my life in Islam n make my imaan even more stronger..ya Allah..please help me if i'm in me ya Allah!!! there is no God xcept Allah..!!!

alhamdulillah..i am a muslim..alhamdulillah...=)

thanx for reading my post for this time..thanx a lot..may Allah bless us..inshaAllah..

~salam intidadha~

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