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I'm just a slave of Allah that still seeking forgiveness from Him...

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Dalam Dilemma~~

Assalamualikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh..^^..

Alhamdulillah..segala pancaindera kita masih lagi berfungsi dgn baik..slalulah kita ucapkan Alhamdulillah kpd Allah Azza Wajala kerane tlh mnciptkn manusia sbaik-baik kjadianNya..thank You Allah..!!

Okay..tgk title pon da leh agak kan rase-rasenye muka ana ni muka blur ke..muka bengong ke..muka bgn tido ke..haha..papepon sangkaan anda diluar sana..muka ana tetap yg satu..^^

Haritu SPM hbis 29 November..then ingat december tu nk enjoy tgk movie sgale movie yg ana TERmiss..n nk blajar driving..nk jdi driver ayh la skrg december pon hbis..da pon masuk tahun bru 2012..~_~

January ni lak kakak ana msuk keje kat SAMT Sultan Hisamuddin..n then tinggallah ana sorg2 kat umah bertmankan ibu n ayah..lps subuh ..tke a short nap smbil pkul 8.30..then bgun..g bukak sgale tingkp yg ade kat umah ni...doing laundries..kms bilik parents..kmas bilik ana..then buat breakfast...lps srpn..lps g mndi..solat dhuha..ngaji jap..then mundr-mandir la mcm org x de keje..(mmg x d keje pon nk wat)..kalo hritu ade klass driving..g la prepare utk driving class..kalo x de... pchkn kpale mak tanyee seberape soalan yg boleh..hihih n jam da nak pkol 12.30 ..g la dpor tolong mak siapkn lunch..kalo mak bz..ana masak..hehe..chef dirumah..^^..then solat zohor..ngaji jap..MAKAN....!!!..^_^..lpas mkn...kmas meja n then dok online jap..smpai azan tu dok la goyang kaki sbb x tau nk wat ape..kalo mak soh wat pape..bua la..kalo ayh soh wat pape..tolong la..kalo x de..g la korek khazanah umah ni n then invent bende i'm h inventor in my home..kahkahkah..okay..pkol 8.30 je..ade la adik sdare ana dtg nk blajar tuiton ngan ana..ana ajr dye 4..x leh garang2..nnti cbut blik umah..hihi..susah ana nnti..~_~..pkol 9.30 je kene ajr budk ni ngaji..tajwid..n cra tulis jwi..biar lmbt2..aslkan slamat..^_^..asal kol 10 je..ana hntr bdak ni blik umah dye.thn request mommy n daddy kalo de pape nk tolong ke...kalo ade..buat n then g tido..kalo x de..grab my bloved henpon n main la^_^ la rutin harian ana stiap hri..kekadang bosan gak..kekadang bez gak sbb dok umah is my favorite...^_^..

ana dlu ade keje kat stu psraya ni..n skrg kalo ana g shopping brg umah kat kdai  tu pkrjanya mmg ramah ngan ana..^^..mmg ade hsrt nk g kj kat sne..tpi..byk masalahnya..nk tau pe masalahnye..haha..kcik jer..pertama..nak solat asar kne mintak permission bos or supervisor...then solat maghrib totally kene qadha' blik umah....hmm..malas la nk g keje..tpi boring gak dok umah ni..Ya me...!!!!!

Harap Allah brikan ptnjuk kpadaku n brikn ku jln keluar utk msalah nie..amiin..^^

jalan-jalan mencari Hidayah Illahi

~salam Intifadha~

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

story of a girly girl

Assalamualaikum warahmatullah...
berjumpe lagi..haha..Alhamdulllah...semoga Iman kta dipelihara dri dinodai..amiin..InshaAllah...

okay..for the post  this I'm now free as bird flying at sky..

sometime I don't know what to do and always torture my mom asking lot of creepy questions..haha..well, u know me..hihi...

actually..on 4 January..all school in Malaysia has starts their schooling day n lot of pupils heading to school..then road in-front of my house will b busy as ant collecting not forgotten..even excited wanna go to school...

then my brain suddenly go to flashback story...where every single day of school my alarm will wake me night I lock it at 5 am..but I woke-up at 5.30 am..haha...thats me!!^_^...

then rushing to bathroom..taking bath...perform my Subuh prayer...reciting Yaasin...breakfast n put on my school uniform n getting ready to school..from putting my veil..until putting my shoes..after all is perfect n tidy..then only I salam my daddy n mommy n show my angry face to my sister bcoz makes me woke up late n make me que for using bathroom..haha..not everyday...someday only..haha...then my acik arrive...get-in n heading to school..

after come back from mom..after look my face...aishah mariam...go take bath..go perform your Zohor prayer..n then come for"yes ma'am"..haha...then after my daddy come back from surau....aishah mariam..come that...huwaa...!!!anyone can help me..???wokey..come back to real story..^_^

okay..n now i must get-up from prayer...go to beloved washing machine...take washed clothes..put it on a basket..then gather clothes from bathroom..from mom n dad's room n get it straight away to washing machine...put some detergent n some softner n ON it..ahah...then put all washed clothes under vitamin D and UV ray..hihi..n come back in n open all the windows n sweep floor..n do all the house chores like a girl..haha...prepare breakfast..then.....haaa..asking questions from my sister got offered as Biology teacher at SAMT Sultan Hisamuddin..i must replace he position n hardly got time to..ehem ehem..haha...

then at night...I must teach one boy in academic n mentally..which is his school subjects n also Allah's lesson like teaching him how to recite Al-Quran...teach him how to pray correctly..n much more..may Allah bless my work..amiin..^_^

after this..n all this while..i got learn driving n got go to driving to to climb the hills n make U-turn..n how to drive at road with other professional drivers which more experienced than me..combined n make me feel horrible for the first time n sometimes like don't wanna hear 'DRIVING'..!!!haha..then after I accidentally xcident with my house gate..make me feel like want pity with VIVA..haha..n now...nightmaring about my driving test..Ya Allah..make me pass with this driving test..

I know the car moving with yours strength..not mine...Amiin..^_^

okay..n now have to continue my girly girl life everyday..every single seconds n make my parents head like blow-up with my question..hihi..may Allah bless my family..amiin..^_^

~jalan-jalan mencari hidayah Illahi~

~salam Intifadha~